I was chatting with/texting my baby sister Amy this morning. We are doing a Bible study together. We have done “devos” on the You Version Bible App (highly recommend by the way)
If you’re a parent of anyone over three days old, you may as well know, you’ve scarred your kid. If you’re not a parent, you probably had a goldfish, and let’s
Let me long-story-short this because it really is a long story. I’m Canadian. I was born here but I was raised in central Africa, and I went to high school in Kenya
For the last year and a half, I have had the joy, privilege and frequent aggravation of being a chicken owner. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster if I’m being
I guess it’s unusual for the first day of Lent to fall on Valentine’s day but here we are, and I only discovered it this morning. Show of hands, how
There was a time before we had kids. The memories of it are sketchy at best, but I have photos so I can prove I was there. And emerging from the foggy
So, here’s the problem with copying out scripture a book at a time. You bump into passages you’d rather avoid. I’m in the gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the first four
I couldn’t believe my luck! After we bought our new house, but before we moved into it, we had the opportunity to go take another look at the place. The current owners
So, update: Back in August at some point (can’t remember exactly which day now but I wrote it down somewhere) I finished copying out the Bible! Woohoo! I celebrated by
A little context. In the backyard of our new home sits a decrepit barn. It’s maybe 40 feet long and 15 feet wide. The floor is dirt, riddled with holes created by